Catechist Training Summer Institute 2023
We had our first Catechist meeting on Saturday, August 19th and am pleased to say it went well. It is exciting to be working with seasoned Catechists and new Catechists who are in love with Jesus and live their faith every day. The Catechists, Aides, and Teen Assistants can't wait to get started sharing their faith with your children on this journey of faith formation.
We are ready for Family Orientation on September 20th at 7PM in the Church. I am looking forward to meeting all of the families as we come together to pray and talk about the year ahead. You and your children will have an opportunity to meet their Catechists who will be forming them in their faith. We are all part of the village coming together to form our children in the faith and encounter Jesus. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Peace & Blessings, Schubie Carol Schubert Director of Faith Formation 630.543.1754 [email protected] |