Pastoral Ministries
(Contact Deacon Sean McGreal at 630-628-0900 x105 or email [email protected] for information)
Formation Ministries
Outreach Ministries
Prayer Ministries
(Contact Deacon Sean McGreal at 630-628-0900 x105 or email [email protected] for information)
- Bereavement Ministry provides spiritual support to families who have felt the death of a loved one. This support includes the preparation of the funeral Liturgy and ongoing contact with the family after the funeral.
- Hospital/Nursing Home/Homebound Ministry offers Communion visits to those who cannot attend our regular Masses. They bring Christ himself in the Eucharist and in gifts of compassion and friendship that we have all received from God.
- Grief Support is open to anyone who is experiencing the loss of a loved one. Please contact Deacon Sean for a current meeting schedule.
- Hospitality Ministry shares warm welcoming presence and creates nourishing gatherings for the parish including Doughnut Sundays.
Formation Ministries
- Adult Education is ongoing formation for adults in the parish. This can range from Bible studies, book discussion groups, evenings of reflection, and so much more. The purpose of these opportunities is to grow in our faith and deepen our relationship with the Lord.
- Senior Socialites meet every month for lunch, conversation and prayer from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. in Room 1.
- ChristLife Adult Faith Formation is a set of three series of workshops that help us to discover a relationship with Jesus or strengthen your relationship. Following Christ helps you to grow with practical opportunities to make a deeper commitment to Jesus. Sharing Christ assists you in understanding what being a Missionary Disciple is…this is the goal of the Christ Life Process.
- Children's Liturgy of the Word is for children ages 5-9 and typically held at 10 a.m. masses on the second and fourth Sundays of the month depending on holidays. The goal for a separate Liturgy of the Word with children is to help them hear God’s message in a way they can participate.
- Religious Education provides religious education for public school students in Grades K-8.
- OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) Previously known as RCIA, OCIA is the process for welcoming new members into the Catholic Church: those who are not baptized, those who are baptized in another Christian denomination but who wish full initiation into the Catholic Church, for baptized Catholics who have not had the opportunity to receive the Eucharist and/or Confirmation, and for Catholics who would like an update in the understanding of the Catholic faith. (Contact Deacon Sean McGreal at 630-628-0900 x111 or e-mail [email protected] for more information on OCIA.)
Outreach Ministries
- St. Vincent de Paul Society was initiated to help individuals suffering from financial emergencies who need help paying rent/mortgage, utility bills, or other miscellaneous responsibilities. All assistance is strictly confidential. For more information, call 630-628-0900 x134.
- Knights of Columbus: For more information, visit
Prayer Ministries
- Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic Association whose members give service to the Church on a voluntary basis all over the world. The members are primarily engaged in the performance of the Spiritual Works of Mercy rather than works of material aid. The group meets every Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in Room 1. For more information, contact Peter Skocik at 630-261-0925 or Pam Reith at 630-543-1754.
- International Rosary Group meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in church to pray each decade of the Rosary in a different language. The Rosary is also said every weekday morning and Saturday at 8:30 a.m. in the church. All parishioners are cordially invited to join any of the Rosary groups.