St. Philip the Apostle Religious Education Program
Below are the steps of register for Religious Education at St. Philip the Apostle. More information about the RE Program can be found here.
How to Register:
1. Parish Registration
Are you currently enrolled as members of St. Philip the Apostle Parish? If not, please enroll electronically here: Online Parish Registration
2. Registration Form
Please fill out the two-page Registration Form. Please read each section carefully and fill in the requested information completely and legibly. Email addresses and accurate phone numbers are very important because the majority of our communication with your family will be done through an automated email and phone system.
3. Payment
In the Fee Breakdown section of the registration form, please calculate your tuition fees for the current school year. Your fee will depend on if you are paying in full at the time of registration, how many children you are registering, and if you have children in the sacramental grades (Grade 2 and 8).
To pay your tuition fee, you may pay by check or money order (payable to St. Philip the Apostle Parish) or fill out a Credit Card Form. If you want to pay your fees in cash, please call the RE Office at 630-543-1754 to make an appointment.
To pay your tuition fee, you may pay by check or money order (payable to St. Philip the Apostle Parish) or fill out a Credit Card Form. If you want to pay your fees in cash, please call the RE Office at 630-543-1754 to make an appointment.
4. New Student/s?
- For every new student you are enrolling, please fill out an Information Card.
- We also need a copy of each new student's baptismal certificate.
5. Submitting
Completed forms and payments should be mailed to St. Philip the Apostle Parish, Attention RE Office, 1233 W. Holtz Avenue in Addison, IL 60101. Forms may also be scanned/photographed and emailed to [email protected].
We would also like to provide you with the following documents:
Diocesan Policy Regarding Sexual Abuse of Minors & Vulnerable Adults (rev. 07-15-21);
Standards of Behavior for Those Working with Minors & Vulnerable Adults (rev. 07-15-21); and
Practical Advice for Parents on Preventing Child Sexual Abuse.
Diocesan Policy Regarding Sexual Abuse of Minors & Vulnerable Adults (rev. 07-15-21);
Standards of Behavior for Those Working with Minors & Vulnerable Adults (rev. 07-15-21); and
Practical Advice for Parents on Preventing Child Sexual Abuse.
If you have questions about any of the above, please call 630-543-1754 or email Religious Education Director, Pamela Reith at [email protected].