Sleep Out Saturday

On Saturday, November 5, 2022, several St. Philip families slept outside to raise awareness for Bridge Communities. Even though the temperature was a warm 45 degrees, they reported that they were very cold and did not sleep well at all! One student slept on the floor in her home and said that she was very sore and very tired. This experience has a profound impact on the students. They realize just how wonderful it is to have a warm home, bathroom, and refrigerator full of food. It is hard for them to imagine what it might be like not to have an electrical source to charge their devices or lights to work by. With the help of our most generous parishioners, we were able to make a donation of $2,755! Please know that your donations, as well as your thoughts and prayers, were greatly appreciated by the teens and the families who participated in this event. St. Philip’s parishioners are by far the most loving and supportive family and friends in all ways! On behalf of all of the Sleep Out Saturday participants and those who will benefit from our donation, a heartfelt thank you! If you missed seeing us, you can still make a donation to this worthy cause by visiting